Read the passage: I Peter 1 vv 13 – 16
God says to us: ‘Be Holy because I am Holy’.
1) What is your definition of being holy?
2) How important is this requirement do you think?
3) What evil desires moulded us in the past? How can we avoid them in the future?
I Peter 3 v 15(a) says ‘In your hearts set apart Christ as Lord’.
4) What does this phrase mean to you?
5) It has been said that ‘If Christ is not Lord of all (in our lives), He is not Lord at all’. To what extent do you think that this is true?
Read the passage: Romans 12 vv 1 & 2 (p189)
Where we are urged to be Holy.
6) Why does it talk about presenting our BODIES to God rather than our hearts?
7) What are spiritual (or reasonable) acts of worship from us? Who benefits?
8) Why does it talk about a ‘transformed’ and ‘renewed’ MIND in verse 2, having talked about our BODIES in verse 1?
9) What does it mean ‘to be conformed to the world’? How can I avoid this?
Read the passage: Ephesians 1 verses 3 – 8 (p226)
This passage talks about us being ‘chosen to be Holy’.
10) What are the benefits of being an ‘adopted son (child)’ in the N.T. context?
11) What are the burdens of being an ‘adopted child’?
12) What are the blessings of being an ‘adopted child’?
Read the passage: I Corinthians 6 verses 19 & 20 (p198)
This passage talks about our bodies as a RESIDENCE for the Holy Spirit.
13) Was it worth God paying the ransom for us?
14) What is the impact of God’s Holy Spirit having a residence in our hearts?