Christianity Explored

The Ultimate Discovery

On a regular basis we run a series of informal evenings under the general theme of Christianity Explored. The course is free and starts with a meal followed by a short presentation and discussion time with tea and coffee at the conclusion. No collection is taken and you are not expected to sing either!

The course seeks to address the big questions of life. Why am I here? Does God exist? Is there life after death? Is there more to life than this? Why is there so much pain and suffering? Who is Jesus? Why should someone who lived and died nearly 2000 years ago be relevant to me today? Can I really live forever?

In a relaxed environment, people will have the opportunity to make up their own minds about these matters and to ask any questions they may have.

The course is aimed at adults and all are welcome to come along.


Please complete the Christianity Explored application form below if you are interested in this course.


    Your Name (required):
    Your Email (required):

    Will you be coming for the meal beforehand?

    Dietry needs or allergies:

    Any further comments or suggestions:

    Do you need transport?