News at Manor Road Evangelical Church
John Hamilton – Testimony Evening 24 September 2009 It was great to hear how God had worked in John’s life. No blinding lights but a simple revelation of the fact that John needed God’s intervention in his life. John’s life was a real mess until he had an encounter with God. But it was marvellous to hear how God worked in John’s life (even when he had only just become a Christian) and that although he had to go back to prison and to face the rigours of ‘cold turkey’ that he knew that God was there with him, directing him and being with him in all his need. John is now fully involved in the work of the London City Mission, whose website you might care to visit.
Pyramid Rock Holiday Club 16 February 2009 Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
16th – 18th February 2009
9:30 A.M. to 12:00 noon at Manor Road Evangelical Church
Plus a special closing session on wednesday 18th 12:00-12:30 for all the family and friends. A fun time for all children.
From ages 5-11. Learn the wonderfull bible story of Joseph. plus craft, games, singing, quizzes.
And much more…
For further information please contact:
Ron Park on 01483 233897 (mobile 07802 716393)
Youth Meeting – 16th March 6 February 2007 Manor Road Evangelcial Church will be hosting a Youth Meeting on the 16th March 2007 at 7.45pm.
Peter Hedley will speak on “Being a follower of Jesus”. Peter Hedley has spent most of his life working for God in Italy, and more recently, in Albania.
Light refreshments will be served at the conclusion at approx. 8.45pm.
Parking will be avaible at Stoughton Infants School just round the corner from the Church in Stoughton Road.
Please contact us if you are hoping to come.
New Baby!! 10 July 2006 Andrew and Fiona Elliott have a tiny new baby girl!! She was 5lb8 and born on Wednesday 5th July. Fiona and baby are fine, no name just yet!!
Raymond’s Engagment 31 January 2006 ![]() |
John Dickerson’s 80th Birthday 7 August 2005 ![]() |